Controlled study results suggest that DBT
effectively reduces the suicide crisis in adolescents with bipolar disorder.
Adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorder often exhibit frequent emotional fluctuations, leading to repetitive self-destructive behaviors. Despite this, there has been limited research on DBT for adolescents with bipolar disorder, especially in terms of controlled studies.
Recently, Dr. Goldstein’s research team at the University of Pittsburgh conducted a controlled study targeting adolescents and families experiencing such symptoms. One group applied all DBT therapeutic elements within the DBT standard protocol for a year, with both adolescents and families participating in DBT skill training classes. Individual sessions for adolescents and family sessions were alternated biweekly. Additionally, psychological education modules on bipolar disorder were added for the research. The other group provided scientifically based alternative treatment techniques (SOC) for bipolar disorder over a year. The study controlled for age, gender, and history of suicide attempts, and both groups underwent concurrent medication treatment.
Among adolescents who had attempted suicide, the group that participated in DBT showed a decrease in suicide risk and attempts by about 62% compared to the SOC group.
Further research has highlighted the need to identify moderators and mediators that contribute to the efficacy of DBT treatment programs for adolescents with bipolar disorder and their families. Additionally, fMRI studies have been proposed. It is hoped that through active research in this field, adolescents and families struggling with bipolar disorder will receive effective assistance.
Songhee Chae, Psychotherapist / DBT Institue of Korea
DBT의 장기적 치료효과
이승하ㅣSeungha Lee, MSc
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