DBT Day RetreatㅣAwakening Spring Within @ Musangsa
Invitation Message
Among those who are involved in DBT therapy or dedicated to the field of mental health, there are individuals who have already engaged deeply in spiritual practice, as well as those who are newly embarking on this path. Even scholars who resonate with Marsha Linehan and her philosophy are engaging in profound spiritual practice within their respective religious institutions.
Ven. DaeBong generously opened the doors of Mu Sang Sa, a temple he leads, to foreign monks who participated in the DBT expert class last fall and winter. Through this, he shared the path of genuine practice, mindful living, and enlightenment at Seoul The Tree Group. The venerable demonstrated the unadorned essence of Buddhism, showing us the spiritual practice path inherited from Ven. Seung Sahn.
Taking time to reflect on our own minds is essential, especially for those who wish to use DBT to treat others. Inner stability in our daily lives and throughout the therapeutic process, the ultimate question of why we pursue DBT therapy, and continuous spiritual practice of letting go are crucial to being effective therapists.
Once again, we requested Ven. DaeBong to provide valuable teachings to those interested in DBT. We are pleased to share the joyful news that, along with Ven. BeopHwa, who will be providing interpretation, Ven. DaeBong will lead the third Day Retreat. We hope this Day Retreat will be an opportunity to purify our minds.
Quiet Mind Dream
DBT Day Retreat | Awakening the Spring Within Us @ Mu Sang Sa
Date: April 9th, Sunday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
(Note: As the monks at Mu Sang Sa are preparing a warm welcome for participants of the Day Retreat, if the minimum number of participants is not met, the event may unfortunately be postponed or canceled. We ask for your understanding. Once the event is confirmed, we will provide instructions for payment.)
Location: Mu Sang Sa International Zen Temple, Soongsan, Georyong, Chungcheongnam-do
Directions: 129 Hyangjeoksan-gil, Eomsa-myeon, Gyeoryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Participants: DBT Experiential Class for experts, all participants, their acquaintances, and family members
Participation Fee: 50,000 KRW (Bank information will be provided after the schedule is confirmed)
Details: https://thetreeg.com/en/2023/02/14/dbtk-der-0017-en/
Inquiries: DBTKorea@theTreeG.com / Phone: 02-557-8823
Register for Participation
Mu Sang Sa Information
Website: https://musangsa.org
10:00 AM ~ 10:30 AM Introduction
10:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM Dharma Talk
11:00 AM ~ 11:10 AM Walking Meditation
11:10 AM ~ 11:40 AM Dharma Talk
11:45 AM ~ 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM ~ 1:45 PM Zen Practice
1:45 PM ~ 2:45 PM Q&A
2:45 PM ~ 3:00 PM Break
3:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM Circle Talk