DBT Workshop with Marsha Linehan

DBT Workshop with Marsha Linehan

In 2008, The DBT Center of Korea invited Dr. Marsha M. Linehan, an eminent psychologist, the DBT Creator, in Seoul, Korea. About hundreds of professionals and graduate students from various field including psychology, psychiatry, social work, nursing were invited to the COEX Trade Center’s Main Hall and listened to her lectures in live for three days from October 2nd to 4th, 2008.  


Since the 1970s, Dr. Marsha Linehan has studied treatments for borderline personality disorder, which shows chronic suicide crises; she began to gain empirical results on the effectiveness of treatment in the 1990s. DBT is one of the few treatments in the world where control studies have proven its effectiveness, and the results and evidence of its efforts can be found in hundreds of SCI-listed research papers and her books. 


At the heart of Dr. Linehan’s academic efforts is her affection and compassion for life, humans, and people with personality disorders. This workshop was a meaningful occasion that shared the treatment system she built based on her thorough scientific approach and self-sacrificing philosophy. Participants also appreciated that they were able to experience in firsthand of psychotherapy Marsha Linehan pursues, how DBT alleviates emotional pain and suffering, increases satisfaction with life, and why it is constantly being praised by clients and psychotherapy experts. 


The purpose of this event was to listen to Dr. Marsha Linehan’s three-day lecture in live, ask questions, and interact with each other. Considering her reputation and schedule, this event which she educated and trained DBT directly for such a long time, was very uncommon. All the staffs of the DBT Center of Korea and workshop participants showed high satisfaction and finished the workshop successfully.