2018 “DBT Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition” was published

In 2018, “DBT Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition” was published, producing two of Dr. Marsha Linehan’s manuals.
“By using DBT Manuals that has a scientific dedication of
Dr. Marsha Linehan’s dialectical minds and Buddhist fulfillment,
We wish to save many individuals who are suffering with emotion regulation in the world.”

In 2018, “DBT Skills Training Manual, 2nd Edition” was published, producing two of Dr. Marsha Linehan’s manuals. 


Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Manual 2nd Edition was planned to be published since 2000. After the first edition was published in 1993, having a 2nd edition was the outcome of dedicated clinical efforts. It is our honor to publish Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT manuals that contain her life work of clinical research and insights. 


Dr. Yong Cho knew Dr. Linehan and her team’s dedication and efforts to the manuals, which allowed him to translate each worksheet and clinical terminologies, to apply them to clients in clinical settings and to observe their therapeutic progress. We wish to save many individuals who are suffering with emotion regulation in the world.




“Where does our suffering come from?”

“What is the Karma that professionals trying to alleviate the pain of others’ minds possess?”

DBT Day RetreatㅣAwakening Spring Within @ Musangsa

Among those who are involved in DBT therapy or dedicated to the field of mental health, there are individuals who have already engaged deeply in spiritual practice, as well as those who are newly embarking on this path. Even scholars who resonate with Marsha Linehan and her philosophy are engaging in profound spiritual practice within their respective religious institutions.